Busy like a motherfucker.
So, Jesus H. Christ. I'v been busy.
As the year progressed, iv gotten busier and busier. Don't get me wrong, its great. I need to make money, and i like making money. My quality of life just goes right up. It just wears me the fuck down. But i digress.
I've been working at Hartford Stage since i returned from Boston. The past season there i'v become one of their more trusted electricians, which really is quite a compliment. When their shows turn over, im getting not only the load-in/out and focus, but im also getting the hours for additional load-in during the week, and i play deck electrician for tech. It feels good to know that im respected that much for the work i do.
Of course, im still at Seven Angels. This is my 10th season there, and my last as the master electrician. I hope to continue to design for them, as that is what i want to do with my life, im trying to phase out my electrician work (or at least the electrician work that doesnt pay well.) Seven Angels is a LORT-D Equity house, which translates to it being a professional regional theatre, and not community. These are Broadway paid actors in the Union, therefore work at this type of theatre looks like gold on a resume. Some of my recent designs there have been Laughter on the 23rd Floor, I Left My Heart, and Johnny Guitar -- all professional

Enter Mohegan Sun. This past November i started working as a lighting technician. I didnt really think it would be the huge thing that is has become.

As if all this wasnt enough, iv recently been hired at Naugatuck Valley Community College as the Assistant Technical Coordinator of the Fine Arts theaters. This gig is sweet, i work for the State of Connecticut, and i get a team of students working with me. Its cool to pass along knowledge to people who are truly interested in learning it. I designed an opera there this month to high praises from the higher ups. More experience, more resume gold, more money. w00t.
Aside from all this regular work, im still picking up designs at local high schools (im doing Anything Goes for Watertown High next month) random focus calls (Goodspeed Opera House) this Friday, and even award shows (The Halo Awards! May 24th!)
This fall

All this work has really been great though, i dont want to give the impression im miserable. I finally feel like i belong in this industry, and that i can make a living doing it. I'm planning on buying a new car in the next month or so, and iv been able to pay my rent, bills, and buy essentials without having to worry whether i would be able to eat the following week. So i'll try to keep everyone updated on what im up to. But if you only find out what's going on with me via my blog or away message, i apologize... you'll just have to give me a call and book me for the day, you'll find my day rate is reasonable. I'll try to fit you in.
lol...I remember that hideous "buddy" sign with the christmas lights on it. Poor thing never stood a chance in Spellman hall.
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