2E = Freedom

We've had a rad couple of days. We headed over to Louisa, VA to play Twin Oaks, which is a Hippie Commune in the middle of Nowheresville. This group of people are a community that shares everything from money, to clothes, to vehicles. They live as their own egalitarian society, working the same amount of hours each week, and all making the same money. It was an awesome place, and they couldnt have welcomed us better or been more friendly and hospitable. We hope to return very soon.
We had quite a set at twin oaks as well. Midway thru the second half of the night, the power grid failed and the whole commune went into a full out blackout! This led to an impromtu drum session. I held flashlights on Jeff as he grabbed a djembe, while Donny and Floyd started adding rhythm from the kit. A set of congas was brought out and the dance party in the dark commenced for some time. 2E then finished up the night with a candle/flashlight lit acoustic set.
We said out goodbyes, and hit the road.

Theres a bit of an after-party on the bus, so im gonna go hang out...even tho im a little pissed the red sox lost tonight. bummer.

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