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ey were tight, the set list was solid. Brilliant. The day started off right. I woke up and was literally in a walmart 5 minutes later shopping. I bought some essentials, some food, and some shit for the bus, and we were off. We headed right downtown where we hunted for Wifi. We eventually settled at St. Louis Bread Company, which is really just a Panera in disguise. Brett and I were there all day using the Wifi, while the rest of the band did some wandering. We ran in to Amber who we met at Schwagstock, and she hooked us up with not only some free grub, but also a shower.
Peace and Love in St. Lou.
States Visited: 3
Times Brett has slammed her blackout shade on me: 7
so, the Red Door will not be the same without you and Brett... we forgot that today is tuesday, and had john not called us at 9:10 to inform us, we would not have known. instead, we, being the married couple that we are, were out at the Big Y buying our weight in canned cat food and produce. so even though your home away from home might smell like ammonia & piss, at least it's more exciting that what we all have going on here. keep up the posting so that i can live vicariously through you guys!!!
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